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March 2009

A Great Night for Live Talent (Music) - 2009-03-27
A talent alert from the KieronZworld Music Desk

Now To Our Banners Flock - A Sonnet (Entertainment) - 2009-03-26
The third in my series of sonnets written in the Shakespearian style.

Breach Not Fragile Peace - A Sonnet (Entertainment) - 2009-03-26
This is the second in my series of sonnets written in the Shakespearian style.

Life Acts - A Sonnet (Entertainment) - 2009-03-26
This is the first in my series of Sonnets written in the Shakespearian style.

Beautiful Singer, Beautiful Song! (Music) - 2009-03-24
From the desk of Kieron McFadden: introducing a young talent worthy of a little of my time - and yours!

Translating Alien Transmission - Phantom Blog Update # 2 (World) -2009-03-18
Your response to my request to stop emailing me loads of questions about my translation of the Arcturian transmissions was to email me loads of questions about my translation of…

Earth Anthropological Survey, Translation 2:- Economic Subjugation.(World) - 2009-03-18
This is the second in my series of "Arcturian" translations. Here follows a translation as best I could manage of the next brief series of transmissions from an orbiting Arcturian…

Visitors to Earth - Arcturian Translation and Phantom Blog Update(World) - 2009-03-18
In response to the deluge of emails I have received, here is an update and some notes on the ongoing work to translate the leaked Arcturian transmissions that have come…

Milking The People, Part Three: Bank Profits First and Foremost. (World)- 2009-03-18
This is the final article in this three-parter on the Great Recession Hoax. When it comes to sorting out our ailing economy, government consistently shuns the simple and easy remedy…

Milking The People, Part Two: The Plot Thickens.... (World) - 2009-03-18
How government colludes with the banks to ensure the banks profit from the misery they created in the first place.

Milking The People, Part One: Recession's Latest Twist. (World) - 2009-03-18
The latest twist in the Great Recession Hoax. Government and banks collude....but what exactly are they up to?

Money, Debt and Recession, Tools of Suppression (World) - 2009-03-18
The following is a translation by me of transmissions between an orbiting survey ship and a relay station apparently positioned somewhere beyond the orbit of Saturn.

Would the government printing money cause inflation? (World) - 2009-03-18
The "threat of inflation" (steps back in horror) is raised to scare us all off having government do what we all thought it was doing already but isn't - and…

Recession - what should be done? (World) - 2009-03-18
One thing you can be sure about is that you will NEVER fully understand a situation if you rely on the press for your information. Helping you understand things is…

Government has taken leave of its senses - official (World) - 2009-03-18
It's official. Our government has lost all contact with reason, according to, well, me actually. Okay, so I'm just being flippant. You cannot relinquish something you never had in…

Fat Cat Bankers? A Classic Piece of Misdirection. (World) - 2009-03-18
Working in service of its owners and creditors the press does an admirable job for the herdsmen in keeping the cattle (us) too inadequatley informed to truly understand what the…

Does Religion Cause War? Part Three. (World) - 2009-03-18
How does a group founded with the goal to do good works wind up as a vehicle for murder and pillage? How do WE wind up enthusiastically blowing the legs…

Does Religion Cause War? Part Two (World) - 2009-03-18
Religion is not the common denominator of all war. Nor, for that matter is atheism. So what is?

Does Religion Cause War? Part One (World) - 2009-03-18
"Religion" often gets blamed for our wars. Well in the world in which we live blame flies about in search of victims thicker than bullets in an Al Qaida ambush.…

The Great Recession Hoax, Part Three: The Engineers of Chaos - How Recession is Created (World) - 2009-03-18
Don't buy the herdsmen's "Whoops! we didn't see THAT coming!" They try to make the recession look like a natural disaster for which nobody (especially them) is to blame. But…

The Great Recession Hoax, Part Two: When Did They Cancel Democracy? Further Notes on the Deliberate (World) - 2009-03-18
Gordon Borown let slip that the herdsmen to whom the rest of us are but cattle as they manipulate the economy to suit themselves have something up their sleeve. Nothing…

The Great Recession Hoax, Part One: Gordon Brown and the Deliberate Recession (World) - 2009-03-18
The situation addressed in this article affects every aspect of your life: your job, your prospects, your taxes, your pay, your debts, your security, your solvency, your wealth, health and…