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Jan 2010

Would YOU give a child a chemical that damages his brain, impedes his ability to function, ruins his life or even kills him or her? If you witnessed someone else doing it, you would have the perpetrator locked up wouldn't you? Well you might but there are some people who can't be bothered

Psychiatrists Mental Disorder: AHP Outbreak in Miami 27 Jan 2010

According to the American Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) since 2004, a single psychiatrist in Miami has prescribed close to a mind-boggling 14 million pills to Medicaid patients. By my reckoning that is an incredible 760 or so a day, each and every day for five years - at a cost to American taxpayers of $43 million, and all from ONE psychiatrist!

Supplements vs Drugs and a Playing Field as level as the Deck of the Titanic 27 Jan 2010

When supplements that are statistically safer than almost anything are banned and drugs that kill more of our citizens than an invading army aren't, we have good reason to be suspicious of the bureaucracy that purports to guard our interests. When such a situation endures uncorrected for decades, we are right to suspect the allegiances of our own government.

What’s Up With Our Government? Part 2: honesty, good will and other omitted basics

25 Jan 2010

How well is our civilisation? As well as the people in it, particularly those with broad influence over their fellows, can be truthful.

FDA Mess Just Not Good Enough 21 Jan 2010

For decades the pharmaceutical industry has reaped a rich harvest from its freedom to market and sell to the unsuspecting public dangerous and often lethal drugs. The success of this operation would not have been possible without the connivance or negligence of government. But Truth is the most persistent power in the universe.

Supplements vs Drugs and a Playing Field as Level as the Deck of the Titanic 16 Jan 2010

When supplements that are statistically safer than almost anything are banned and drugs that kill more of our citizens than an invading army aren’t, we have good reason to be suspicious of the bureaucracy that purports to guard our interests. When such a situation endures uncorrected for decades, we are right to suspect the allegiances of our own government.

Eliminating Psychiatric Fraud Part Four: Government in Collusion 14 Jan 2010

This final article in the Psychiatric Fraud series asks why government persists in colluding with a failed, discredited and destructive paradigm. Is there a hidden motive we should know about? It certainly appears that way.

Eliminating Psychiatric Fraud Part Three: The Great Diseased Brain Hoax 14 Jan 2010

This third article in the Psychiatric Fraud series takes a brief look at bogus mental illnesses. Here we see a hoax founded upon psychiatry’s so-called diagnostic manual, a work of fiction based on junk or non-existent science.

Eliminating Psychiatric Fraud Part Two: Stop Using the Kids 14v Jan 2010

In this article we examine psychiatric fraud as it relates to the drugging of children. Why is more money spent on the psychiatric drugging of children than any other health issue?

What's Up With Our Government? Part One: Who's Steering the Vehicle?14 Jan 2010

Governments are interesting things. When they go astray we get….well, modern "civilization" for one.

SAD? You Wont Be....14 Jan 2010

How to handle the winter blues and feel a whole lot better without having to be drugged. It is possible for us to enjoy your life without being tranquillized like somebody's ornery livestock.

Noshi-do Lesson Seven: Kick Aspartame and Give Psychiatry the Chop11 Jan 2020

There are an awful lot of things that can cause depression and other mental symptoms, including aspartame. Why does psychiatry not know this?

Eliminating Psychiatric Fraud Part One: How to Reduce Your tax Bill 9 Jan 2010

This article is the first of four that looks briefly at the whole picture of psychiatric fraud. The financial cost thereof is the least of our worries

Why did a Psychiatrist go Berserk? 5 Jan 2010

What was the real reason a US Army psychiatrist went berserk and murdered fellow soldiers? And why is that reason being studiously ignored?

A Social Catastrophe and Men Who do Not Care 1 Jan 2010
This article looks at one of the primary ills that may kill or society : the drugs epidemic. It also examines why it is a fatal mistake to assume that…

Alien Report Latest: Earth, Anarchy and the Smell of Something Rotten 1 Jan 2010
This article is a translation of the latest intercepted report from an orbiting Arcturan survey ship, whose name loosely translates as "Look Lively," to its Mission Operations centre on Arcturus…

Latest Drug Epidemic Reaches the Stars 1 Jan 2010
As if we do not already have enough epidemics, the psycho-pharmacy has very kindly generated another one for us. This one seems to be cutting down an inordinate number of…