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June 2009

Women's Health: Problems and Solutions
A quick look at some of the health issues that most trouble women - and how to prevent them.

Let's Leave This Dark Age by the Nearest Exit and Go Find Us Some Sunlight.2009-06-26

The media daily runs a very nasty little control operation on the public. It reports problem, problem, problem, problem with no understanding and rarely, if ever, any solution. Certainly the…

The War on Drugs: A War on Two Fronts 2009-06-22
The war on drugs is being fought on two fronts, not one. There are two enemies: one with whom we are slugging it out toe-to-toe and the other who stabs…

Florida Child Drugging Latest: Another Death, Another Law Suit. 2009-06-19
Psychiatric drugs have been linked to the death of a Tamarac child and the same psychiatrist who drugged a child who committed suicide was sued by a mother who claims…

Better Than Drugs: St Johns Wort - "Nature's Prozac?" 2009-06-15
Better than drugs: this article outlines one among several safer and more advantageous remedies for the blues than antidepressant drugs.

Kieron McFadden Gives Birth Shock! 2009-06-14
The English writer Kieron McFadden this week have birth to a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed new website christened Better Than Drugs.....

The Diagnose-and-Drug Psycho-Pharmacy Gravy Train. 2009-06-14
The latest fad in the pharmaceutical-driven drug addiction treatment gravy train is so-called "co-occurring" disorders. This means that an individual is said to have a substance abuse disorder AND one…

Prescription Drug Addiction: Latest Epidemic from the Psycho-Pharmacy2009-06-14
There is a high probability that either you or someone you know is hooked on prescription drugs as addiction to prescribed medications reaches epidemic levels.

Joy and Dismay Over Shrinking Psychiatry 2009-06-08

United Kingdom: psychiatrists' Royal College admits alarm over shrinking numbers of young doctors wishing to associate with unpopular profession.

Successful Drug Withdrawal Now Within Reach of Millions 2009-06-08
A Self-help Guide to Withdrawal Available

Better Than Drugs: Free Drug Education Booklets 2009-06-08
Being able to demonstrate routinely that something effective CAN be done about addiction is not enough. In order to overcome the society's number one health epidemic and the world's first…

Better than Drugs: How to Get Safer, More Effective Help For Your Child2009-06-08
As children's use of psychiatric drugs begins to decelerate and psychiatry wanes, nutrition proves better than drugs.

How To Help The Addict In Your Family

Better then drugs: the approach to addiction that involves the use of psychiatric medication has proven unworkable and is now rendered obsolete by more advanced knowledge and modern methods that achieve far superior results. When you are an addict, the addiction controls YOU, rather than you controlling the addiction

Illegal Child Drugging Scandal: Alarming Revelations 2009-06-05
The number of foster children on powerful psychiatric drugs was badly underreported, child-welfare bosses reveal.

Do We Really Need Psychiatric Drugs? 2009-06-02
The Stone Age of psychiatric drugs gives way to the new Bronze Age of nutrition. The blunt answer to the question asked in the title of this article is: "No…