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October 2009

Subjugating Humanity - Part Two: Banks, Corporations and Invisible Chains

28 October 2009

Here is the second part of my translation from the Arcturian of a report sent from an orbiting survey ship to its mission control on Arcturus IX on the subject of how and by whom Earth is governed.

Subjugating Humanity - Part One: Who is Running Earth? 28 October 2009

After break of several months I have been receiving again snippets of communications between an orbiting Arcturan survey ship and its base in the Arcturus system. I have done my best with the translation and offer it to you now for your consideration.

Buying Influence: How the Drug Makers Achieve Corporate Mind Control27 October 2009

A glimpse at the financial relationship between groups such as the National Alliance on Mental Illness and the drug makers gives us a clue as to how the psycho-pharmaceutical axis achieves a kind of mind control over governments and has even the White House dancing to its tune.

New Flu Vaccine Horror: List of Ingredients Shock 27 October 2009

Here is the latest development from the shady world of big pharmacy, government and other criminal organizations.

Can Someone Please Invent a Vaccine for Government? I Wish to Become Immune 27 October 2009

A look at what appears to be government hysteria over Swine Flu and a vaccine that may well be more dangerous than the disease.

Incredible Health Breakthrough! 2009-10-22

The arrival of TCY, the revolutionary health therapy, looks set to usher in an age of unprecented health and well-being.

Swine Flu: The Commerce of Fear 2009-10-22
On the matter of the Swine Flu scare, something stinks to high heaven and all the signs are that we are more at risk from our government, media and pharmaceutical…

Swine Flu Facts: Why Do Some People Die from Such a Mild Virus as Swine Flu? 2009-10-22
If you believe the hype of the vaccine pedlars and their proxies in the media and government, the Swine Flu pandemic is about to cut a swathe of carnage through…

Swine Flu Facts: An Antidote to the Hysteria 2009-10-22
Here are some facts about Swine Flu that throw upon it a different light than the disinformation and propaganda to which we have been subjected in the name of corporate…

Chlorophyll and Your Very Good Health (Health) - 2009-10-22
Chlorophyll is making a comeback as medicinal tool. This article briefly explains why that is good news and what it can do for your health.

Swine Flu Goo: What's in the vaccine? 2009-10-20

I'm not surprised to learn that the Bird Flu vaccine killed more people than the Bird Flu, if the Swine Flu vaccine is anything to go by. It reads like…

Arthritis and Arthritic Pain - Something Can Be Done 2009-10-19
As someone who for years suffered from arthritic pain in my knee to the degree that it became too painful to stand more than a few minutes, this is something…

Health Tips for Men and Women 2009-10-19
Not so long ago I survived a serious health scare. I am now not only recovered but in EXTREMELY good health. Here are some of the things that worked for…